Sunday, April 6, 2014

Trucker Bob

As I said in my last post, the passing two weeks have been hectic ones which have left me with very little time to work on my projects other than at school with my lengthy skip-lessons. Most of my creative work has been aimed at just sketchbook work when an occasional free moment occurred - and I tell you even that was rare. What can I do, we will just have to work with the time we have, don't we?

With the quick start I managed to make on Tractor Bob on the last Sunday post, below is the mind-jogger for you. 

So, essentially I was left off at the basics. From here I just press full steam onward continuing with no zooming into the nitty gritty detail until I say otherwise. Ha. Instead of zooming in, I decrease the size of my paintbrush as I go along. Below you can start to see how my original sketch marks are just about vanished from the image and how the image is more pulled together and less hazy, if you will. 

I've added quite a bit of detail to the character itself - haven't got to the face yet, they are always a wee bit tricky - but instead on the clothes and hands. The tire and body of the tractor are coming along, I'm still on the process of making them look weathered.

On the image above I have added a bit more detail onto the background, just a fielding work which I will probably want to haze out later on. I haven't put too much effort into it, I only began working on it because it was bugging me being all flat in the background before.

From here on I thought I would put some more time into the character itself, mainly onto the face and hair area. I zoom in, decrease the size of my brush and increase the opacity and dabber away at the face for the next hour.

And voila! An hour well spent. However, at the moment, I'm quite puzzled.. I do not understand why my screen capture above is so yellowish, when the others aren't.. My computer seems to be acting up, so I apologize for that one.. I guess we will just have to survive with the yellow picture this time.

Anyway, after an hour of work, I managed to pretty much finish off the character at play here as you can see above. I faced quite a bit of difficulty with the face, mainly making it look something like Bob Dylan. Maybe I should have been listening to his music instead of jamming to the Black Keys.. Otherwise I believe I've survived quite well and next time I can begin finessing the background and the tractor. I admit that I am not looking forward to the tractor, it's still very much out of my comfort zone - unfortunately. Ah, I would love to have the necessary experience to draw one of those old 1950s cars.

...And here is where I am left off now, in full. I do think I can say this Sunday has been quite the productive one, at least in my case. Next up is the tractor and the background, a full detail session to come. Well, I hate to say it but I guess that is it for me for today. All I can say is 'till next week then, keep sketching!

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