Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bob's Touch

Sunday again...

This passing week was the 'get back to school' week, so I'm running short of time again and haven't been able to do too much artsy stuff. Actually, not that I've been studying TOO much anyway but I have been pursuing my long lost wish that is finally coming true. I am getting a passport about six months earlier than I should have so I am leaving by the summer to reunite with my family in the United States, which I find pretty damn awesome. So from now on I will be quite busy with plans and school unfortunately, but of course I will make some time for art, I just have to. Anyway, during some boring skips in between lessons during school, I began drawing a quick sketch on a side profile of Bob Dylan and well.. It just kind of escalated from there and ended up with this drawing shown below. 

I would love to show you the real picture, but unfortunately I can't find it on the image search because I had used one of my old pictures on the phone as a reference to draw. I haven't really enjoyed drawing with graphite pencils before, but this time it was more effortless and I have no clue what so ever why that is. This is in my sketchbook which is A4 sized, I should have drawn it on a bigger surface but it is difficult to bring something big like that to school and drag it around for 8 hours. This took me about 3-4 hours to draw, which isn't too bad I guess considering how much time these things usually take me. I have been known to work on one 'realistic' charcoal or graphite drawing non-stop for about a week, and then just trashing it because it just wasn't going to work out. However, I did find the hair very difficult to do... I procrastinated it 'till the last minute and still I was reluctant to begin. I did manage to start, but way later when I got home and I worked on that damn hair for at least two hours straight. 

Anywhoozles, to continue last weeks project on the Painter Lite. This is where I was left off just to jog your memory, if you feel like you need more memory jogging, feel free to go and click the previous post and get yourself up to speed. 

So, the next job after this was to get the coloring in place. I was playing around with quite a few colors only because of the sheer enormity of choice, I've got to tell you, it wasn't easy. Well, after awhile I did manage to choose colors of metallic grey, a minty green and a nice warm blue color. After coloring my work in I did feel as though my letters weren't really matching but me being lazy I just decided to go with the flow and forget about it for now.
 If you check out the Layers section on the picture above, on the lower right corner, you can see how many layers I got going on for me and the oddest thing I found out was that it was actually slowing down my computer.. My brush strokes started to have a lag and froze most of the time and as I was getting more and more frustrated about it thinking that there was something wrong with the wireless connection on my tablet or that my computer was just running out of space. Well, after plugging in my tablet  to  my computer and cursing the machine and the software, I just decided to finish the picture, merge the layers together  and then just be done with it for good. Well, of course after I finished merging the layers the whole program worked like a dream and I was sitting there like a complete idiot. Computers and software are just not my thing obviously.. Oh well, a lesson learnt there. 
Anyway, here is the just about finished picture  in all its simplicity. 

 You can see how the shadings on the letters are quite simplistic and I haven't done any tricks with the coloring but I figured this will just be a testing experience and maybe I still need a bit more practice with simpler drawing before starting on with something like graffiti and the street style that I usually do. It doesn't look anything like I had envisioned in my head but I do think it taught me something....Maybe. 

That's all for now, tune in next week for more. 

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