This week I haven't gotten any projects rolling on yet, but I did get my 'company' rolling on this week, obtaining my first customer (ahem, NOT a friend...) and today I've been working on a design for a custom pair of shoes. Also, because me and my friend started a company of our own called TP Productions, I've been busy working on that and coming up with a sufficient logo for it. Can you guess what it's going to be? Yes, you name it, a Ti-pi. I think that the logo going to be pretty cool if we ever finish it and make it simple enough to fit as a logo for our new 'shoe' company. Maybe someday...We are planning on setting up a site so that we can get some brand awareness and get a start to this company before we get too busy with other projects. However, with my new customer I haven't got much time to hash it out; I've got about a week to design, order and finish the entire pair of shoes. Phew.
Alright, to begin with my custom made shoes. First I have to get the shoes which will look about like the one in the picture below, a simple (black) canvas shoe if you will.
The design I went about today was this; "Nupy" on the right shoe and "Lee" on the left. However, this is not going to be in my designs list in which you can choose your design IF and only if you are willing to be our potential customer. This is a requested design which I had already made oh, about a year ago to my customer which he wishes to have on his shoes as an updated version. This of course makes me very happy that he still likes my design.. The picture above is of course just a 15 minute sketch on what I'm actually going to do, I needed to do this to get a rough idea on what I am actually going to do. I'm not keen on planning my works, I like to do them on the fly and see what happens. Hence, I'd imagine it will look quite different from...that... before it's the finished product.
As for also today, I've been working on our company logo and talking through our set up with my associate on what to do with our business idea. And here you go, a rough idea of our starting logo for TP Productions. It really did start as a joke between the two of us, because our initials put together it sounds like a ti-pi so our logo should be that too. What do you know, it works! Hopefully on the shoe too, we haven't tested that quite yet. I wanted to make the logo a LOOT more complex, but turns out it has to be as simple as possible to stick in the customers' minds as long as it can, like a brain tumor or.. something. What can I say, I hate doing simple things like readable letters or dull, simple drawings. My motto stands, the more detail the better. Anyways, we've got to get this baby on the computer to get further processed and make a business card as soon as possible to get rolling, the only problem being that we want to make our own design with the business card and the logo. We feel like scanning just doesn't seem like the right solution to give out a good impression from our work.
Moving forward, I'm going to use the Molotow One4Alls again for this job, since I don't have a hot press to get the design onto the shoe easily because those things are as you know - expensive as hell. Maybe when I get filthy rich and famous (ha ha). That is about it on the shoe front, I am ready to roll onto the next topic.
And what is my solution, you may ask? Ah yes, I've got one my friends: A graphics tablet. I sure do know what I want from good old Santa Clause!
It's a beauty, isn't it? This magnificent thing is a table which you hook up to your computer and Voila! Draw away. This has been my dream for a few months now, I think it will revolutionize my drawing and I will be able to get to actually designing and doing what I will probably be doing in the future with any luck. With the help of this baby, our business card and logo will be child's play! The particular one right there above is made by a company called Wacom and the brand name is Intuos Pro S, going at the rate of about 250 dollars. It is indeed quite expensive for just a tablet for drawing, but I do believe it is the step in the right direction for an aspiring commercial artist. Hopefully it will pay off sooner or later.
Oh well, that is all for this week and next week we shall see the results of my productive week that is coming up. Be sure to stay tuned until then, sayonara peeps!
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