Sunday, December 15, 2013

Artist's Block

Hey ya's,

    Christmas is coming and I've been feeling in a real holiday mood and ready to draw everything and anything this weekend and I actually reserved the entire weekend just for drawing and getting new ideas rolling and what happens.. Of course I get 'artist's block', just perfect. For instance today, I was staring at a blank piece of paper for about two hours, tried to doodle something once or twice and ended up destroying my entire eraser on it. After getting too frustrated and tired, I get up and I'm covered with bits and pieces of my used up eraser and I think to myself - oh, what a lovely day. This happens to me well, maybe every few months which is when I just feel like throwing out all my works and giving up on the whole idea of being an artist or whatever it is that I am going to be. It  is a mix of shame, underachievement and misery and I've got to thank my lucky stars this devil doesn't come around too often.

So this is what I've been staring at for the past 2-3 hours, and in fact, it is still sitting on my desk just like this waiting to be filled with color and excitement. Maybe tomorrow, maybe...
    Certainly a bad weekend, even the shoes I was supposed to have finished by the 17th of December, which I talked about in my last post, can't be finished before the deadline and I do really feel awful about letting down my first customer. The problem being that it is indeed winter time in Finland and almost impossible to find summer shoes in the local shops for a guy going to Africa for his winter holiday. So, about two weeks too late, I couldn't order shoes on time before my customer leaves on holiday and thus, I had to let him down a few days ago. Lucky for me, he is still willing to buy my shoes and gave me an extra six months time to finish the shoes... Will I make it?!

    However, in my Christmas mood yesterday, I felt like drawing some new characters with a cute little Christmas theme. Adorable, right? Oh well, I used Molotow Basic Sketchers for this doodle and that was about all of what I did from Friday until today, Sunday afternoon.

   To be brutally honest, I don't appreciate the picture much, I feel like I'm going towards a more nature-oriented and perhaps a more retro path, with simplistic ideas and figures. Not saying that this isn't simplistic, it sure is but I wan't to give more impact with my art than just an elf and a reindeer hanging around. Unfortunately, I was trying to go that way today and I just could not find a way to express my ideas onto a paper in a presentable way so I guess I will have to lay off it for a day or two.

  On the picture above, I thought the Molotow Basics wouldn't give me enough of a variety of colors to work with, so I started with my good old pencil box which I can always rely on. I never was much of a pencil person, but it seemed like a better option than just leaving the picture black and white. This box has everything I need: crayons, water colors, pencils of all colors and sand paper just in case. Too bad I'm not into any water colors or crayons as you can see, all of them are practically untouched..

   Just to get off the subject of my art for a moment, if you guys didn't really read about art or perhaps read at all, I thought I would enthuse a bit about doing so. As you know, I'm getting into digital art in the near future so I've been reading this magazine called Digital Artist which is actually great for getting tips how to add effects to your work on Photoshop or how to get your art piece to pop out and give that desired 'wow' factor.

    So you guys know, my goal here isn't to advertise or get you to buy this magazine or anything like that but in fact, it is to show that if you feel like you're not getting any good ideas or you're not quite sure how to get a desired effect on your piece, there are ways to gain inspiration other than your precious mind. Sometimes you do need to borrow a book or look into magazines or TV shows about art. I've been watching a show on old art in the Netherlands and believe it or not, there is some interesting stuff out there other than street art. I can't believe I'm saying because the last thing you should hear from me is that classical art is interesting but I swear, it is true. You just need to get past Van Gogh or Monnet, for me at least these 'great' artists from the older periods have always turned me off to classical art. Wow, I really went off track didn't I..
    Anyways to conclude, my point here was that for me, I found lots of great tips from this magazine and apps that I can get on my tablet and start doodling away. Especially for days like I'm having right now when I feel like quitting on art, it's a great time to catch up on reading and maybe pick up some tips on the way.

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