Sunday, November 3, 2013


Happy Late Halloween peeps!

This week I started on a new design for my next canvas, woo-hoo! I got some time for myself this weekend and I just went for it. My theme for this new canvas is a sort of Native American thing, with totem poles and eagles and maybe a nice Aztec graffiti in the middle. I started the graffiti part yesterday not knowing it would become anything like it is now. I was just doodling about a hippie-type graffiti...thing and just trying something new, but today I was looking at it and I just had this light bulb moment that hey, this thing HAS GOT TO have a totem pole next to it- and so I found my inspiration. And here it is:

As you can see, I haven't filled in the background yet like the graffiti, since I've just been sketching it for the past few hours and I realized that I was running out of time to write this weekly blog post. First I was going to plot the totem behind the letters, but I had some expert advice which got me to change my mind to just have it hanging there next to the letters. Since the totem was on the left, I needed something to balance out the piece and what could be better to keep company to my lonely totem than a big old eagle! It's a work in progress, I still have to tweak some minor aspects. 

 It's just the basic "REZ" again, I want to keep working it until I find perfection or until I just get bored to death by it. I haven't been using this for long, maybe for a few months now. I've tried to achieve this hippie, folksy look that would bring a good old retro feeling to this piece, just to balance out the last cold, metallic piece. I have trouble with drawing smooth lines and roundish letters, somehow I can't find a way to make them pretty. Other people do a great job with it, I just don't have the patience. I believe sharp lines and shapes are what make graffiti unique. I have included a few round shapes, to even out some sharp edges that needed softening. 
I couldn't remember what a totem pole looked like in real life, so I had to google it. I love these things: the faces, expressions, the detail - everything! The art that goes into it is just magnificent and beautiful, every totem has its own story. Anyways, I used this one as a model for my piece, I wanted something authentic, not just what I made up in my head, even though that would have probably been better. Maybe next time!

Here is the eagle that I am using as a guide. Mine will be a simplified version, of course. I think my background will also be a beautiful blue like this picture has, it won't take too much attention but it will bring out the other colors nicely - hopefully. 

After the planning, I have to start making my canvas which includes  a lot of measuring, sawing and gluing.  Next week I will be ready to go. Yey!

Oh and have you seen my artist's studio?

-The balcony.

It's cool, it's cool.. As you can see I've got no space and during the winter it really can be a pain. But for art I will suffer!

To conclude this weeks post, I want to leave you guys with this great line that has stuck to my head for good.

  Great right? I find this so true, even when I look at my very artistically talented and gifted friends, who find the smallest errors in their works and fall in to a funk because of it. A true artist will keep going until they find their perfection. It's truly like trying to find your inner peace or zen - almost impossible. Remember the 10,000 hours friends! Great artists aren't great because they were born great, they are great because of years and years of passion and practice. 

'Till next week then!

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